Monday 19 June 2017

The Code of the Extra Ordinary Mind - Book Summary & Review

The Code of the Extra Ordinary Mind

Vishen Lakhiani 

What if everything we think we know about how the world works―our ideas of love, education, spirituality, work, happiness and love―are based on Brules (bullsh*t rules) that get passed from generation to generation and are long past their expiration date? 

This book teaches you to think like some of the greatest non-conformist minds of our era, to question, challenge, hack and create new rules for your life so you can define success on your own terms. 

The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, a New York Times bestseller, is a blueprint of laws to break us free from the shackles of an ordinary life. It makes a case that everything we know about the world is shaped by conditioning and habit. and thus, most people live their lives based on limiting rules and outdated beliefs about pretty much everything―love, work, money, parenting, sex, health and more―which they inherit and pass on from generation to generation. 

Vishen Lakhiani provides a revolutionary 10-point framework for understanding and enhancing the human self. You will learn about bending reality. You will learn how to apply unique models like consciousness engineering to help you learn and grow at speeds like never before. You will learn to make a dent in the universe and discover your quest. 
Amazon Book Description

Main Ideas in the Book

As already known, the human mind is remarkable. It’s a vast source of perception and reason. Though, the mind is not necessarily known to maximize our contentedness in life. Rather, it can make us follow old-fashioned and rudimentary beliefs that are passed down from one generation to another.

This book is thorough guide which teaches us how to avoid the pitfalls of your own mind. Vishen
Lakhiani  has used a framework based on the ten laws of extraordinary living, separated into four stages.

Transcend the culturescape and question society’s bullshit rules.

As we move through life, we’re constantly told what’s and how’s of our life. Our culture is home to a number of outdated beliefs that our everyday life.
Taken together, these beliefs make up today’s culturescape, which is a set of rules and norms on how to love, eat, marry and make a living, basically on how to live your life. But to be extraordinary, the first law is to surpass your culturescape.

To stand out and become extraordinary, we need to realize which rules to follow and which ones to ignore.

This leads us to the second law for an extraordinary life: question those bullshit rules of theirs. A bullshit rule, or, to use the author’s terminology, a Brule, is an outdated rule from the culturescape that we follow blindly even if it limits us from pursuing our dreams.

Extraordinary minds practice consciousness engineering and create self-encouraging models of reality.

The third law of the code of the extraordinary mind is consciousness engineering.

Our mind has both hardware and software, just like a computer. The hardware contains our model of reality, where we hold your. The software contains your systems for living, which are our daily habits and they determine how we make use of the hardware.

Consciousness engineering is a way of understanding that personal growth depends on our ability to carefully choose and frequently update our system.

To update our hardware, we follow the fourth law for an extraordinary life: Rewrite your models of reality.
Extraordinary people do this by embracing a mindset that helps them achieve their goals and create positive self-esteem.

Extraordinary minds improve their systems for living and are able to bend reality.

When we revise our hardware’s model of reality, it means our software, as well as our actions based on these beliefs, must also be revised.
This is the fifth law for an extraordinary life: upgrade your systems for living with a three-step approach of discovering, refreshing and measuring.
Extraordinary minds are continuously working in order to achieve their goals.

The first step to upgrading is to discover by reading books, talking to people and exploring the world around for inspiration.

Second, to refresh our systems regularly. This can be done by exercising and being at peace.
Third, measure how effective our system really is.

With our updated software and systems of living, we can get started on re-coding your mindset. This involves the sixth and seventh laws for living an extraordinary life.
Now, the law number six, the ability to bend reality.
This isn’t exactly a magic trick; it’s a new system of  living which aims at increasing your happiness.

Being able to bend reality means that we can hold onto our goals for the future while making sure that our happiness is firmly embedded in the present.

Extraordinary minds practice blissipline (bliss and discipline) and create a vision for their future.

The feeling of bliss that accompanies happiness is often short-lived.
Luckily, with an extraordinary mind the ability to experience bliss for longer periods of time can be achieved. But how can you achieve this?

For this we’ll need to focus on the seventh law of extraordinary living by practicing blissipline, or the discipline of regular and prolonged bliss.

Blissipline starts with gratitude. When a person practices gratitude, they experience more energy and less depression.

We can do this by embracing an idea from entrepreneurial coach Dan Sullivan, who suggests that you switch to your reverse gap.
What he means by this is that most of us can see the gap between our present selves and who we want to be; this is called the forward gap. But the problem with this is that we’re always keeping happiness out of our reach and in the future this way.
So, instead, we should reverse the gap and look at our past to appreciate and be grateful for what we’ve achieved. This allows us to practice blissipline and experience gratitude on a daily basis.

The eighth law for an extraordinary life: craft a vision for your future that corresponds with your happiness.
Creating a future vision is all about setting goals. However, if we confuse means goals with end goals it can be dangerous.

Means goals are the ones society tells us we need to have. They don’t make us happy.
End goals, on the other hand, make us happy. These are the goals that bring us joy, and not because they adhere to the culturescape.

All extraordinary people have goals. But their motivation comes from within; they don’t seek validation from others. Their sense of self-worth and happiness is very strong.

This is the essence of the ninth law for an extraordinary life: be unfuckwithable.

This means realizing that you depend only on yourself and that nothing anyone says or does can affect you negatively.

Being unfuckwithable consists of two components:
The first is to have self-fueled goals that aren’t dependent upon others.

The second component is to realize that only you have what it takes to be happy and successful. This means that we need to resist the temptation to blame others for what’s happening in our lives.

Extraordinary people don’t view work as something that keeps them from pursuing their dreams; in fact, it’s the opposite.

So, now that you know the ten laws of an extraordinary life, it’s your turn to embrace it.

Ruchika Verma

Vishen Lakhiani will make you question everything you thought you knew about your life. From happiness and health to purpose and power, this book is a revolutionary roadmap to become the best, most extraordinary version of yourself period."
Dave Asprey, Bio-Hacker and founder of
Bulletproof Exec and Bulletproof Coffee

"Entertains while teaching, succinctly explaining how to shed the cultural baggage that has been holding you back, so you can free your life and become the extraordinary person you were meant to be.”
JJ Virgin, Celebrity Nutrition
and Fitness Expert,

"New York Times" bestselling author Vishen Lakhiani s knowledge base and his ability to present it clearly and to actually put it into practice is above anyone I have ever seen in this field.”
Jack Canfield, co-author of the
bestselling series
"Chicken Soup for the Soul"

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