Wednesday 28 February 2018

सतां हि दर्शनं पुण्यं तीर्थभूताश्च सज्जनाः

सतां हि दर्शनं पुण्यं तीर्थभूताश्च सज्जनाः।

कालेन फलते तीर्थम् सद्यः सज्जनसङ्गतिः॥

सज्जनों के दर्शन से पुण्य होता है, सज्जन जीवित तीर्थ हैं, तीर्थ तो समय 

आने पर ही फल देते हैं, सज्जनों का साथ तो तुरंत फलदायी होता है॥

Seeing the saints makes us holy, saints are living temples.

Sacred places benefit only at appropriate time but 

saints benefit immediately.

Take Full Responsibility

Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life.

William Blake

Fill Life with Meaning

A man must fill his life with meaning, meaning is not automatically given to life. It is hard work to fill one's life with meaning.

Chaim Potok

Secret of Happiness

The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do.

Sir James M. Barrie

Do I easily become happy?

Meditate on This

Do I easily become happy, or does it take a lot to 

"make" me happy?

Sip Your Coffee Nice and Slow

Sip your coffee, nice and slow,
No one ever knows when it’s time to go,
There’ll be no time to enjoy the glow,
So sip your coffee nice and slow. 

Life is too short but feels pretty long,
There’s too much to do, so much going wrong,
And most of the time you struggle to be strong,
Before it’s too late and it’s time to go,
Sip your coffee nice and slow. 

Some friends stay, others go away,
Loved ones are cherished, but not all will stay ,
Kids will grow up and fly away,
There’s really no saying how things will go,
So sip your coffee nice and slow. 

Before you know it seasons have changed,
Those precious little moments are part of yesterday,
Most things have turned out relatively okay,
And you finally reap what you have sown,
So sip your coffee nice and slow. 

In the end it’s really all about love,
For this world and it’s beauty and the stars above,
For His grace in your life , for each present moment,
Smile and breathe and let your worries go,
Just sip your coffee nice and slow.

Author Unknown

Sunday 25 February 2018

जलबिन्दुनिपातेन, क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः

जलबिन्दुनिपातेनक्रमशः पूर्यते घटः।

स हेतुः सर्वविद्यानांधर्मस्य च धनस्य च॥

पानी की बूंदों के गिरने से घड़ा धीरे-धीरे भर जाता है। ऐसा ही 

सभी विद्याओं, धर्म और धन के साथ है॥

The pot gets filled sequentially, by drops of water. 

Same is true for all types of knowledge, righteousness 

and wealth.

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.

Les Brown

Stop & Smell the Roses

With too much data, too many demands, and too much competition; is it any wonder that people today are looking for ways to stop and smell the roses?

Nick Campbell

Happiness - Proactive Choice

Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.

Stephen R. Covey

Appreciate the Present Moment

Meditate on This

Do I pursue happiness, or do I live in joy and 

appreciation of the present moment?

Avoid Becoming a Rakshasa

Avoid Becoming a Rakshasa

…. Isn’t it true that all the mythological rakshasas were great sdhakas too? With their sadhana or practice they had impressed gods and sought boons. 

Ravana was a great scholar, Bhasmasura and Hiranyakashipu did penance, but they were remembered for all the wrong reasons. Ravana kidnapped Sita, Bhasamasur had wanted to obliterate Shiva by placing his hand on his head and Hiranyakashipu declared himself to be God. 

Mythological rakshasas don’t exist in reality, but we run the risk of becoming like them, by being arrogant, hurting others and justifying our actions in the name of spirituality. 

According to the Buddhists, a demon is a man obsessed with violence, is angry and is unable to find peaceful solutions to problems…..

Read the full Article – ‘Are You A Rakshasa?”

Blog by Sonal Shrivastava

Tuesday 20 February 2018

गौरवं प्राप्यते दानात्, न तु वित्तस्य संचयात्।

गौरवं प्राप्यते दानात्, न तु वित्तस्य संचयात्।

स्थिति: उच्चै: पयोदानां, पयोधीनां अध: स्थिति:

धन के दान से ही प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त होती है, धन के संचय से नहीं।  

बादलों का स्थान ऊपर है और समुद्र का नीचे॥

Reputation is achieved by donating money and  not by

collecting it. Clouds command a high position whereas 

the sea lies low.

Happy Life

Remember this that very little is needed to make a happy life.

Marcus Aurelius

Mudita - An Alternative to Envy

Mudita When we are scrolling through Facebook or Instagram we often feel envy looking at other people’s success or golden mome...